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Calendar Reasoning

Calendar In Gujarati 

Calendar is the one of the most important topic of the Gujarat Government exam. Everyone thinks that this topic is very tough to understand but by following my trick you can easily crack any type of questions of the Calendar mainly in calendar there is a four type of questions they asked in every exam of the Gujarat Government.

Calendar in Gujarati

1. Find the Day of particular day
2. Repetition of the Calendar
3. What will be the day after some particular days?
4. Same calendar of the month

According to me only one code you required to remember in this all calendar topic here are some videos available also to understand this topic very deeply. I am sure that you can easily understand by watching these videos.

 Part 1

In this part one Video there is some beautiful questions and how easily you can solve it. Is ther mainly one code you have to memories to crack this type of questions. The code you have to memories id 1440250361246. This code indicated 12 months of the year. January-1, February-4, March-4, April-0, May-2, June-5, July-0 August-3, September-6, October-1, November-4 and December-6.
Than After you have to use One Formula

Date + Year last two digit + Code of the Month + year last two digit/4

There is one formula you have to use to find Particular day On Given date.
Question- Find Day on 15 August 1947
 Acoording to formula-

15 + 47 + 03 + 11                                            47/4= 11* 4 + 3
= 76

Now you have to devide 76 by 7 because there is a 7 days in a week.

76/7=10 * 7 + 6 This Remainder is most Important for your answer.

According to Remainder you have to write your answer

Remainder and Days
1- Sunday
2- Monday

Now there is a 6 reminder than your answer is Friday. So on the date of 15th August 1947 there is Friday. 

For calendar PDF click here


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