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Assistant tribal Development Officer Material
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This is the website for the people who r serching for the quality material for the Gujarat Government exam.
Here you find best quality material for the your exam. On this blog I uploaded Material For the Post of the Assistant tribal devlopment Officer.

Recently Gujarat government has published advertisement for the post of the assistant tribal Development Officer. 

Total vacancy of this post is approx 114 this post is is about to high level in the class 3 the salary of this post is more than 35000 and the candidates selected based on preliminary exam and computer test.

The preliminary exam is based on multiple choice questions. In this exam 150 marks questions available and each of the equations has one marks. 

There is many topics in the syllabus of this exam but you have to manily focuse on the Tribal population and its culture. So I share this file with you. 

In the syllabus of this exam there is gujarati, English,  Math, Science, Geography, History,  General knowledge and many more topic. 

According to previouse paper they mainly focuse on trible area,  its population and its culture. So i made this PDF for the purpose to clear this concept of Tribal polpulation. 

May be This file will helpfull for you if you read this you can easily get those point which us necessary for your exams. 

Assistant Tribal development officer is one of the best job for the people who want to baaic salary upto 40000 because this is very easy to crack this exam. Otherwise if you want this type of sallary than you have to crack exam like State tax Inspecor,  Deputy Section officer and this exam has to stage and this is conducted by Gujarat Public Service Commission. This type of exam very tough to crack according to ATDO. So you have to focuse on this Particular post to get paid higher sallary. 

If you want to Priviouse paper of this exam you can check here

Old paper of ATDO Click Here

Now let's talk about the topic which i cover in this pdf. 
In this PDF i cover all the Fairs and all the population detail of the trible People. And also I provide  some schemse of the trible.  Which ia also necessary for your exam purpose. 
One of the mela they asked in GPSC exam Kaliya bhut no melo. 

I belive that you will like this material and if you like it than please share with your friends. 

Assistant Tribal Development Officer Material click here

Friends I Am trying you to provide some good quality material if i made any mistake to making it than please tell us so I can improve my writing style and you get more and more quality material for your exam. 

Finally i say Happy to Help You. 

Stay Blesses and Give Some comment in comment section. 

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1 Komentar

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