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Number System

Math Trick by Immys Academy
Hello and Welcome to Immy’s Academy, Here you can Find Most Important fact about General Knowledge and much other stuff.
Now a day’s competition in Gujarat Government Exam is very high and everyone has to clear this type of exams.  
There are many exam bodies in the state of Gujarat. Like GPSC, GSSSB, GPSSB, DPSSB, LOKRAKSHAK DAL and many other.
I am here to provide you best exam material to clear any exam of Gujarat Government. There are many subjects and topics in every exams and there are may be varies but the same subject in every field is Math and Reasoning. So I decided to provide you best quality material for this particular subject and I know everyone wants to get this type of material.
 Everyone thinks that math is very tough subject but after watching this page and these videos your thinking will be changed. You are able to calculate every sum of math very easily and very speedily. You can find also most important math shortcut which is you cannot find anywhere in Gujarat.

Most Of the candidates of every exam have fear about math and reasoning after watching this page content and beautiful videos they will be fearless about math and reasoning. I humble request you to watch full video to understand everything which is requiring for your exams.
In Every Field of exams you find many shortcuts to remember things which are important for your exams and you have to memories with its shortcuts. But sometimes we forget the shortcuts and started thinking about shortcut which type of shortcut that was and exam time has been gone in thinking about that.

The Topic List which you have to understand and you have to be master in those topics which is most important for your exam. Some tips also I give u that math is practice not a reading subject you have to practice this subject everyday in your life.
Here is the some topics name:
1. Number system
2. Least Common multiple and higher common factor (LCM & HCF)
3. Percentage
4. Factorial
5. Average
6. Mixture and Allegation
7. Work and Days
8. Tap and Tank
9. Train Speed, Distance and Time
10. Stream and Boat
11. Power and Base
13. Algebra
14. Geometry
Now we started With Number System.

Number System is first Topic of Math. Number system is very easy and you have to remember some facts about the number. There are many types of numbers you have to memories that.
Types of Number- Natural Number, Whole Number, Prime Number, Co-Prime Number, Odd Number, Even Number, Rational Number
- Smallest Natural Number is – 1
- Smallest Whole Number is – 2
- Smallest Positive Integers- 1
- Biggest Negative Integers- -1
Now here is the Video to understand facts about the number system. The language of the video is Gujarati so you can easily understand all the things about the Number system.
Let’s start-

This is the part 1

Here is the part 2

Coming soon PDF of this topic

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