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I Know this is very tough to read in mobile this type of content in mobile but I am sure that u will like it.

Here I uploaded Constitution most important topic Supreme Court PDF in Gujarati language.

Its helpfull for Class 3 exam as well as GPSC.

This material for the all competitive exams like Talati, Binsachivalaya, Sachivalaya, Junior clerk, Senior Clerk, PSI, DYSO, Nayab Mamalatdar, TDO, STI, etc.

I trying to cover all the current topic which is important for your exam.

 Some Detail Of Supreme Court

Fedral Court of India established In 1937 an than after 1950 whene Constitution established in india this court become Supreme court of India on 26th January 1950.

Supreme court started on 28th january 1950.
In constitution of india there is some detail about supreme court in part 5 of constitution. 

There is some article of Supreme court

124- Supreme court in india
124(2)- Judges of supreme court appointed by president of india 
124(3)- qualification to become judge of supreme court
124(4) removal of supreme court judge 
124(6) oth taking by president of india 
129- court of record 
130- place of Supreme court 
143- adviced given to prsedint

First judge of supreme court- Harilal J Kaniya
Longest term as a chief justice of india - Y.V.chandrchud

Download all the detail in pdf with Gujarati language included 

Supreme court PDF IN GUJARATI - Click Here

Daily Current Affair click here


Gujarati Grammar PDF- Click here


This current Affair will be helpfull in evry single exam of Gujarat Government Exams.
I am tryting to cover All the Detail which is important for the Gujarat Government Exam.If I made Any mistake in this data than say me by comment and sorry in advance for that mistake.

✨️Friends I Am trying you to provide some good quality material if I made any mistake to making it than please tell us so I can improve my writing style and you get more and more quality material for your exam.

✨️Finally I say Happy to Help You.

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કમેન્ટ કરજો મિત્રો

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